Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting our website. Please review this policy before using the site and submitting any personal information. By using this site, you are accepting any practices described in this policy. This policy may be changed at a later date, to address certain issues. All changes will be communicated prominently on this page. You are encouraged to review the privacy policy whenever you visit the site, to make sure that you understand how any personal information you provide will be used.  

Note, the privacy practices set forth in this privacy policy are for this website only. If you link to other websites, please review the privacy policies posted on those sites.

Collection of Information:

Upon registration to our site, certain personal information will be collected.

This personal information will include:

  • Your name and surname
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number
  • Your postal address or street address
  • Your username and password

This information is only used to fulfill your request. None of this information will be disclosed, or sold to anyone.

By agreeing to our privacy policy, you opt-in for all messages received from WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business API on behalf of Automobex Auto Parts (Pty) Ltd. This included Facebook Ad leads, promotional outbound messages and further communication regarding pricing, updates and order information.

This includes both WhatsApp templates, approved by the WhatsApp API as well as any outbound messaging after user initiated conversations.

Cookie/ Tracking Technology:

The Site may use cookie and tracking technology depending on the features offered. Cookie and tracking technology are useful for gathering information such as browser type and operating system, tracking the number of visitors to the Site, and understanding how visitors use the Site. Cookies can also help customize the Site for visitors.

Personal information cannot be collected via cookies and other tracking technology, however, if you previously provided personally identifiable information, cookies may be tied to such information. Aggregate cookie and tracking information may be shared with third parties.

Distribution of Information:

We may share information with governmental agencies or other companies assisting us in fraud prevention or investigation.

Information may be shared under the following circumstances:

  • When required by law.
  • When supplied with a court order.
  • To protect the safety of an individual or the general public.
  • To prevent fraud or an unauthorized transaction.
  •  Investigating fraud that has already taken place.

No information will be sold for the purpose of marketing


The security of your personal information is taken very seriously. All information is hosted by our providers on their secure servers. These servers have advanced firewalls and other safety measures, to ensure no outside intrusive user can gain access to it.

We are committed to ensuring that your information is kept confidential and secure. Only certain authorized individuals (Employees or agents), will have access to this data. This information is required for employees to do their job.


There is a newsletter service that allows the user to opt-out at any time. This service will not be abused.

Privacy Contact Information:

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please get in contact with us, using the information below:

By email: [email protected]

By phone: 031 535 2712

By Whatsapp: 078 213 1514